Over 67,978 animals fixed...and counting!

About Us

Our Mission
The mission of Animal’s Best Friend Fund is to reduce the stray, feral and unwanted dog and cat populations in Kalamazoo and Van Buren Counties (Michigan) by providing spay/neuter programs targeted to assist low/fixed income persons and feral cat caretakers. Our programs are reducing the number of cats and dogs being euthanized at area animal control facilities.
How We Work
Animal’s Best Friend Fund is an all-volunteer nonprofit 501(c)3 organization.
We partner with select area veterinary clinics to provide spay/neuter surgeries for dogs and cats in need.
It is our policy that over 90% of all income received goes directly to helping animals - not to salaries or excessive administrative expenses.
Since our inception in 1981, we have helped to spay/neuter over 67,978 cats and dogs!
Our Programs
Subsidized Spay/Neuter Program for Cats and Dogs
If funding is available, Animal's Best Friend will pay for part of your pet's spay/neuter surgery.
Each month, ABF works with certain area veterinary clinics by authorizing the clinic to provide a certain amount in subsidies. Your best chance of getting the surgery subsidized is by scheduling your appointment early in the month when the clinics are first authorized to use the money.
Please call 269-808-0064 for more information.
Free Spay/Neuter Program for Feral and Free-Roaming Cats
ABF also strives to make a difference in the lives of feral and free-roaming cats by focusing on TNR (trap-neuter-release) in selected areas of Kalamazoo and Van Buren counties.
*** We are currently inundated with requests for free spay/neuter for feral and community cat colonies. You can call us for advice on how to proceed with these situations. Please do not trap the cats before you contact us. It usually takes 1-2 months to get appointments and we will need to tell you how to proceed through the process of getting ABF paid appointments. ***
Due to a shortage of volunteer cat trappers, you will probably be asked to do your own trapping and transport of the cats. Please call 269-808-0064 for more information.
What Doesn't Animal's Best Friend Do?
Animal's Best Friend's focus is on spay/neuter. If you need help with other vet care, help finding a home for an animal, or want to adopt a pet, please contact some of the other Michigan organizations who may be able to assist you. See the Resources page for help.

Karen King (ABF's founder) with Lexi